Did they make Sonic the Hedgehog a fucking prick because they wanted to appeal to British audiences? That's fucking awesome.
Did they make Sonic the Hedgehog a fucking prick because they wanted to appeal to British audiences? That's fucking awesome.
zabujard, this is the one of the best things you have released, personally i don't think yo wio;;lleveru outdo it, no more newgrounds because this is truly the best of all time, i don't think ever can you produce somehting as good as this but i think you forgot to add more gassy jokes so you 3.5 stars because your admission actually sucks for not adding more gassy jokes be byey bey beyy ebdedybeybd beyebye
no clue about no general forum, but i'm truly fucking heartbroken mate... this wee funeral youse alot put on for it is great :(.....
also politics is bollocks >:(
i think my favourit parts was when Tomo showed up i love Tomo oh my gawd tomo is the best....
i saw the title and i thought of gooning do i have a problem?
wow i didnt even know that was a thing. that basically happened to me!
this did infact get rid of my dna..... rgagereahrguiahrahrmeixraeimrauirarpeaorer[appreaoreaprrapegearueiareauriaenruiearneuaecneraiuaeric
shes waving
this is peak release remooermroe...
i HAVE BENE GONE FOR MONTHS and now aliens are re..ak....l.........
top geezer o' da 'grounds innit
something i think
Joined on 8/13/17